Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Back On Track
I was listening to the radio on the way to work this morning and they were joking about how the city was now probably back in the running for first place in the nation's fattest city rankings after hurricane Ike because all anyone did the entire time was eat. We only lost power for a day and we have two generators that kept things going but lots of people called in saying they were trying to eat everything in their fridge before it spoiled (honey, you HAVE to eat that gallon of ice cream RIGHT NOW!!!!) I certainly contributed my share of eating though. I am sure it was just stress and boredom because I was eating things that I never eat and things that I am not even fond of. M&M's (one of those huge Sam's size bags), Doritos, Twizzlers, soda (I never drink soda!!!!), Hawaiian Punch (WTF?! I hate Hawaiian Punch!), Rice Crispie treats, cookie dough. I was on a complete sugar high and I gained 5 pounds! 5 pounds! Crap!
I managed to get off of the sugar train and have lost 3 of the pounds so at least things are almost back to normal. I was completely out of control!
They started letting people back out onto Galveston and the other islands yesterday so that they can assess the damage and start the cleanup. I do feel for those people and hope that they can get back on with their lives quickly and that those who lost everything can somehow get back on their feet.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Survived the hurricane....
Thursday, September 11, 2008
One of the big questions that always gets brought up on this day is where were you when you first heard the news? I was alone in my car with my dog, cat, and a back seat filled with all of the stuff that would not fit in the moving van. Not a good day to pick to move across the state to a new house. The cell phone lines were overloaded so I could not get in touch with family or friends. I did not know where anyone was or what I should do so I just kept on driving down the interstate. All I could do was just listen to the radio and pray that everything would be OK. I remember the roads being almost completely empty..... everybody was afraid to move or go anywhere. Once I made it to the new house, I just remember sitting there on the floor (no furniture, no phone connection, did not know anybody) listening to the portable radio and waiting..............
It is hard to believe that it has been seven years since that day. Where does time go? Even though you cannot change the past, it is important to take all that life has given and taken away from you, and use that knowledge and those experiences to be the best person you can be today and for all your days to come. God Bless America!!!!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
For a minute there, I thought maybe it was just me.....

WTH??? Now.... realize that I am not talking about the simple ones that say "dog" or "cat". I am talking about the ones with crazy squiggles and lines that don't look like a member of any English alphabet or numeric system that I have ever seen. After failing to enter the correct codes on many an occasion or having to hit the refresh button over and over until I can find something that I could identify..... I was actually beginning to be a little concerned that I was either visually impaired, stupid, or possibly dyslexic. However, after a brief and non-scientific survey amongst several of my friends and co-workers.... I have determined that I am not alone. 75% of those surveyed admitted to occasionally having problems solving these things (especially the ones on myspace for some strange reason). So either having problems solving these complicated captcha is a universal problem..... or I just happen to have a bunch of stupid/ blind/ dyslexic friends and co-workers... who knows????
Definition of a captcha---
A CAPTCHA is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to ensure that the response is not generated by a computer. The process involves one computer (a server) asking a user to complete a simple (Simple my ass!) test which the computer is able to generate and grade (apparently I am a failure!!) Because other computers are unable to solve the CAPTCHA, any user entering a correct solution is presumed to be human.( I think that are trying to say that I do not qualify as human?) A common type of CAPTCHA requires that the user type the letters or digits of a distorted image (distorted? Ha!!!! Is that a B or a 3 or maybe an E??)that appears on the screen.
Characteristics A CAPTCHA system is a means of automatically generating new challenges which:
Current software is unable to solve accurately.
Most humans can solve. (Yeah right!!)