Friday, August 28, 2009


I need them. Badly!!! I have finally faced the fact that it is time to get a new pair. It seems like the day after my last birthday, I was officially old. Squint Squint. The last time that I went to the eye doctor was probably in the 11th grade so I am definately way overdue. My drivers license also expires next year and there is no way that I can pass the vision test... absolutely no way!!! I could do what I always do and pull out the super huge bright green glasses that I had in high school and hope for the best but even then, I think I would fail. The lady at the DPS office here is pretty mean...... about 400 pounds of butch terror. She yelled at me once for sitting in a chair while waiting in line. Apparently there is no sitting in chairs while you are waiting in her line. Bitch. So, I am trying to do a little pre-research on frames before I head out on this visionary journey. Picking out a cool pair of frames is the only good part of getting these glasses so I am going to make sure I get the best and the coolest pair (could I sound anymore shallow?)

How about these? They are pink (and Burberry!) Or these??? Cute!!!

Or even these?

This is going to be harder than I thought! Glasses have come a long way since the ugly green oversized pair that I had in highschool!!!!! Too many choices!!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The vacation sucked big time. That is all I have to say about that........... The end result is that I am no longer speaking to my sister. Sometimes you think you know somebody and then they are taken over by pod people and you have no idea who they are anymore.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


They say that the most exciting part of a vacation is planning it. True. By the time you actually get to your destination, you are usually so exhausted that you don't know which end is up. I am going to the beach for a few days of R&R and I have been trying to get ready to go. Lists, packing, maps.... I just can't get my act together. Luckily I don't have to worry about my pets or mail or anything but I still have to make a long to do list for the people (my family) who will be taking care of everything while I am gone. The list seems endless.... you don't realize how many little things you do each day until you actually have to write everything down. Hopefully I will have a great time. I will post some photos when I get back.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Halloween 2009

You just had to know it was coming. Check this out. You will probably see this everywhere on Halloween. How embarrassing for those kids!! Is it me or does the model look kinda like Holly from The Girls Next Door?