Saturday, March 27, 2010
You think you know someone.....
Friday, March 26, 2010
Hot Tub Time Machine
Don't even try to figure out the why of it....... just relax and enjoy it. Get yourself over to your local Alamo Drafthouse, select a nice cool, frosty beverage and some snacks and prepare to laugh your ass off. Who doesn't want to relive 1986???? I have not laughed so hard in a long time. Ahhh, the memories of the 80's and besides......who does not love John Cusack?
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Good Girls Don't

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Things that make you happy...
"I'm Just One Stomach Flu Away From My Goal Weight."
Friday, March 12, 2010
Need I say more?????????

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Where are the men in white coats when you need them???

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Oh No She Didn't!!!!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
My day....
2. I woke up about 25 minutes late. My radio had gone off but I was so tired that I just did not hear it. I woke up in one of those severe sleep fogs where you can't remember where you are and you lay there for a few minutes trying to remember what day it is and if you have to go to work.
3. I burned my waffles.
4. I had put some black flip flops on to drive to work in with every intention of changing into more suitable, "work-like" shoes once I got there. Of course I left my work shoes at home and felt like everybody was staring at my feet all day wondering why I was dressed so oddly..... need I say more.
5. Around lunch time, the campus police came running by my office. I later found out they were looking for a "suspicious person" who was hiding in the building. Great!!!!!! Sometimes it is better to not know what is going on.
6. I missed my exit on the way home and had to drive 5 miles down the road to get to the next turn-around. Sucks!!!
7. Some redneck asshole gave me the finger for not going fast enough for his liking. Apparently he thought I should go at least 65 through a known speed trap with a 40 mile an hour speed limit. Screw you mister!!!! Where are these people coming from??????????????
Good night!! Tomorrow WILL be a better day!!!!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
6 Penlite Batteries Not Included
On the drive into work this morning, the topic on Martha Stewart Living Radio was all about games. Games that you loved as a kid, games that you play with your kids, social games for parties, etc. It got me to thinking about all of the games that I loved playing when I was growing up. I really wish I still had some of those games.
These were my favorites----
Candy land- I wanted to live there!!!
Chutes & Ladders-I thought it was funny to make people have to start over.
Hi-Ho- Cheery-O - I was fascinated by all the little cherries.
Ants In Your Pants- Only the truly talented could get those suckers to fly all the way across the room
Don't Spill The Beans- I wanted this game so badly but my mom would never buy it for me. She said it was dumb so I had to be content with playing it at my friend's house.
Cootie- I loved their tongues!!
UNO- Still one of my favorites
Merlin- Electronics!!! Man we thought those pulsing dots were cool. We thought we were so high tech
Simon- See above description. I had both the full size and pocket sized editions.
Electronic Battleship- I can still remember the noises these games made. "You sunk my battleship!!"
Trouble/Headache- Almost the same game. I was fascinated by the dice popper.
Life- Another game my mom would not buy me
Sorry- My most favoritest (is this a word???) game ever? Anybody want to play????