I don't want to come across as completely bitchy but there is something hat I need to get of my chest. Dear friends, acquaintances, co-workers, and anybody that I come across on a day to day basis that might somehow feel the need to one day present me with a gift for some reason or another................ PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DON"T BUY ME ANYTHING HORSE RELATED OR ANY TYPE OF BATH PRODUCT!!!!!! Oh my...... I feel so much better now! If you have been reading this blog for very long, you probably already know about my hatred towards receiving any type of bath soap, bubble bath, lotion, perfume, etc... as a gift. Unless you know that it is a brand that I use regularly... don't give it to me!!! This all started back in kindergarten with the Tinkerbell sets from the 70's. I know I sound like a horrible bitch but I just can't stand the stuff and I have extremely sensitive skin so buying this stuff for me is just a big waste of money.
Now, the horse topic. Just because my family raises horses and my mom and sister are into them. I DO NOT PARTICULARLY CARE FOR THEM!!!!! They are not my thing and I don't know why people seem to think they are . I have received enough horse related gifts over the years to gift a small nation. Please no more horsey gifts.
I am not hard to shop for and if you really want to gift me with something and have no idea of what I might like (which would only be because you have bad listening skills because I am pretty vocal about what I like and don't like) then make a donation to a wonderful charity in my name like the Ronald McDonald House or something
Again, I don't mean to sound like a total bitch but I just can't keep up with the charade any longer. :)
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