Friday, December 18, 2009
So typical.......
Things were going along just fine until my father walked in and commented that the tree had a lot of ornaments on it and looked kinda overloaded. I think I told him he was crazy and that he did not know what he was talking about. About 20 minutes later I stepped away to admire the tree and I noticed that it did look a little thick with decorations. Oh well, it would just have to be that way. Next year I will cull out the older ones and be a little more selective.
From then on it all went down hill. My mom's dog came into the room and peed on the ornament box. He was probably pissed because we had not let him in while we had been decorating. He had sat outside the door making little yipping sounds the whole time, voicing his opinion on not being included in the festivities. Then one of the strands of lights on the tree went out. The one that just happens to light up the top half of the tree. Crap!!!! There is no way I am going to take all the ornaments off so that I can replace the strand. No way!!! That would be like decorating the tree twice!!!! I tried checking all the bulbs to see if one was loose but I had no luck. Supid, cheap, made in China lights!!!! ARGHHHHH! So, the tree is half lit and it will remain so. I had bought new LED lights last year but they were multi-colored and I really wanted to go with clear lights this year so I just used the old ones. This is my payback for my not being environmentally responsible. Oh well.... welcome to my world. Like I said.... typical!!!!!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Blue December..........
This weekend there was a horrible car wreck here in Houston. It has been terribly wet and foggy here for the last week or so. Apparently a truck going at a high rate of speed went off the road early Sunday morning, struck a tree, crumpled into nothingness, and then caught on fire..... burning those in the car into such an unrecognizable state that it took two days and dental records for the authorities to figure out who they were. Three young lives were lost in that deadly wreck and one of them turned out to be our neighbor. Jonathan would have turned 20 yesterday. Heartbreaking. I live in a small rural neighborhood with about 12 families on my street so everybody pretty much knows everybody else's business. I can't imagine the grief that his family must be going through right now. So sad......
So with the holidays upon us, take a moment to reflect on your lives and all the loved ones (including pets) that you have in it. Be grateful and don't take a moment for granted. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own lives and all the trivial ups and downs of our daily routine that we don't appreciate what we have and who we have in our lives.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Seems like just yesterday....
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Christmas season 2008
I will put up the tree tonight!!! I will put up the tree tonight!!! Repeat... Repeat!!!! Sigh.... I have been working so late that by the time I get home, all I want to do is eat dinner, relax, and zone out for awhile. It is getting to the point of no return though. If I don't get it put up before this weekend.... it will never get done.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Nah...Nah, Nah nah....Nah!!!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Yum! Yum!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Sock Monkey
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thank You!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Seen and Heard...
What kind of person talks to a small child that way? My grandmother used to freak out whenever I would say "Oh God" around her. I don't think my grandmother ever said a bad word around me when I was a little kid. Even when I was older, the most you may have ever heard her say was "damn", and even that was used sparingly. When I was 4 years old, I did not even know what a "slut" or a "ho" was!!!! We question why kids are growing up the way they are? Is there no such thing as innocence and childhood anymore? I am very sad and disturbed over this and I am not one of those people that is easily offended. Poor child.......
Monday, November 9, 2009
Coral Snake!!!

I don't do snakes. No way, no how. They scare the crap out of me!!!! I have now had my first encounter with a coral snake.... my nutting career may now be over. Damn thing was just slithering across my path and I nearly grabbed it in a handful of leaves (which is actually the second time this has happened to me although the first time it was a mystery snake that I threw across the yard so fast that I was never able to identify it.) I think I need to go lay down now.
Friday, November 6, 2009
On my mind......
1. Now there has been a second Florida...all the freaks and weirdos are coming out of the woodwork now. If something like that ever happened where I work, it would probably happen in my office since I am by the front door. On the other hand, if it happened on another floor, I could be the first one to get the hell out.
2. Craving a Baby Ruth bar for 2 days now. What is really weird is that I don't particularly like baby Ruth Bars and I have only had maybe 5 of them in my entire life.
3. I wonder why there were 8 cop cars on I-10 between Mason road and Katy Mills mall yesterday. They were all giving out tickets too....must remember to watch my speed when going through there today.
4. I am not picking up nuts today.... too tired. Have to stop by library and Ulta on the way home. Might stop and get a new pleco from Petsmart to replace the one Melrose murdered. The one that is left seems kind of lonely and needs a friend.
5. Feel kind of "bleh."......cramps.......perhaps this explains the Baby Ruth thing......
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
You are so kidding me right now?????
1. "Are you kidding me right now?" What is going on with this? It is so over used... kind of like "Gag Me With A Spoon" from the 80's.
2. "At the end of the day" Really pissing me off. This is usually used by somebody that is telling you some, "blah, blah, blah" story that you probably were not interested in hearing in the first place. Bosses and parents use this one a lot.
3. Uptalking - I found myself doing this today. How could I ???????????? In case you don't know what uptalking is.... Definition-Uptalk--A speech pattern in which phrases and sentences habitually end with a rising sound, as if the statement were a question. Very annoying and makes you sound clueless. Don't, I repeat don't do it!!! Please!!! It is one of those things that once you start, you can't stop.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
November 2
Friday, October 23, 2009
Who ya gonna call????
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Is it me?????

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
If I had an unlimited supply of money.....
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Another reason why I love TJMAXX
Monday, September 28, 2009
What is up with this?????
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Eye want this!!!!
Sephora has taken some of their biggest selling products and is offering them as deluxe samples in a set so you can try a bunch of different brands at one time. I love the mascara kit!!! Look at all the different brands you can try for about the cost of two regular sized tubes. It is so hard to find a good mascara. Surely out of the bunch you can find one that you like. They also have skin care, lip, and makeup sets! I can't wait to try one of these!!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
13th person
On Monday I stopped in for a brief trip to get some paper products (three kinds), a bottle of dried onion flakes, a box of cat litter, and a three pack of spaghetti sauce. Six items total. Should have been in and out... zip, zip. I grab my stuff, put it on the conveyor belt, the cashier rings it up and "she" places every thing in a new basket. I pay for my stuff, grab an Icee from the concession stand, and then head for the door. I hand my receipt to the guy at the exit door and he looks at it and then asks me where my other receipt is. I am all like "What other receipt? I only have one." He then goes through this big production of telling me that I have additional items in my basket that I have not paid for and he wants to know why they are there. "Do I know that I have unpaid items in my basket?" he asked. He points to the receipt that says items sold and sure enough it says only 5.... I had 6 in my basket. Now let me tell you that not only was he insinuating that I had attempted to leave the store without paying for an item, he had attitude to boot. His rudeness was pissing me off so I may or may not have said something about how it was not my job to make sure their employees were doing things correctly. How the cashier managed to get all of my items off the conveyor belt and into a totally new basket without ringing up everything correctly was beyond me..... but apparently it was all my fault somehow. Rude door checker man then started pushing my basket towards customer service and told me to "take care of the problem." After "taking care of the problem" at customer service, I headed back toward the exit door when the door checker guy came running over, grabbed the receipt out of my hand, and copied something down in a log off of the receipt. In his haste to make sure I was not trying to pull something over on him, he totally cut off the 4 customers in line that were waiting for him. They all gave me a dirty look so I apologized.... (WHAT THE HELL WAS I APOLOGIZING FOR....????) He handed it back and walked away. ARGGHHHH! Again, I may or may not have said a few rude things back to him when he snatched the receipt out of my hand. I was so angry that I just don't remember what I might have said.
Not once did any of the employees apologize for any of the inconvenience. I was pissed. Really, really pissed. Why did I just voluntarily subject myself to such rude treatment when I did nothing wrong? If the man had just said something like.... "I am sorry, but the cashier forgot to ring up one of your items" I would have grumbled a little, gone to customer service, and have been on my way. But no, he had to be an ass. Sometimes just being polite goes a long way. Did I mention how much I hated Sam's Club??????
Friday, September 11, 2009
Gullible people wanted
Hello Good Day!
I am Mrs. Lorita Candy (they use the word candy to lure you in like a predator) from Botswana. I am married to Mr. John Candy who worked with (the) Botswana embassy in Leshoto for nine years before he died (if he is dead, then you are a widower, not married). We were married for eighteen years with a child (What? You were married to a child?) . My Husband died after a brief illness that lasted for only four day (days not day).
Since his death I decided not to re-marry or get another child outside my matrimonial home (WTF?). When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $8, 865 000. 00 Million Dollars (Eight million Eight hundred and sixty five thousand U.S. Dollars) (They have to spell it out for you in case you are stupid) in a bank in Abidjan the Economical capital of Ivory Coast. The money was deposited for foreign partner no name was mentioned. (Incredible!!!)
Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next three months due to cancer Problem (They capitalize problem?). Though what disturbs me most is the stoke ( OK, cancer and stroke are not funny in any way... but this part cracks me up a little), Having known my condition I decided to donate part of this fund to (a) motherless babies (poor motherless babies) home or better still a God (Lets not go dragging God into this, you will really rot in hell now!!) fearing individual that will utilize this money to the glory of God (again! 2 strikes!!) and to take care of my only child for(a) better future.
I took this decision because my only child is still young (legally an adult) and can not manage this fund very well and my husband relatives are not happy with my husband's wealth when he was alive and through my prayers and the directions of God (3 strikes!! God is now telling this person to do this), I have found out that their hands is in my husband's death and I don't want my husband's hard earned money to be misused by evil men (longest and most confusing sentence ever!! This is like a soap opera!!). I don't want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly manner, hence the reason for taking this bold (yes, you are very brave to try to get poor unsuspecting people involved in this!!) decision.
As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the BANK here in IVORY COAST where my husband deposited the money.
Please understand that any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing for another person for this same purpose.
Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein and you will take care of my only child (you want someone to take care of your adult child as well? Hell no!!!).
Hoping to hear from you soon (fat chance!)
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Lorita Candy
Can you smell it????

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Anybody have a couple million I could borrow?????

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Rachel Zoe Project
Friday, August 28, 2009
How about these? They are pink (and Burberry!)

Or even these?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Halloween 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Another childhood favorite down the drain.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Dear Cara, Mady, Alexis, Hannah, Leah, Aadan, Collin, and Joel,
PS- I will no longer be able to watch your show. It is a pitiful train wreck that should not be supported by the media.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Kicking Martha to the curb......

This one is my favorite! It is all about beautiful presentation and design ideas for gifts and presents. I have a bit of a ribbon and paper obsession so this book is right up my alley.

This book is beautiful too! How can you not want your home to look like the pages that are in this book! So pretty!!!

And finally, one of her newest creations. Blue and white together is one of my favorites. I have painted my entire bedroom a beautiful blue similar to the color of this chair in the last three houses I have lived in. I never get sick of it. If you ever want a good nights sleep, paint your room a deep shade........ it is very relaxing.
These books are not cheap but I have really enjoyed looking at them. I think I will have to keep checking on eBay and maybe I can find a few at a bargain price. Sigh......
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Hey Puffy!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The most frustrating thing in the world....

Friday, July 10, 2009
One last thing.....
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Too much excitement around here
The weird part was how quiet it was...all you could hear was birds and cicadas. You would think you would hear yelling, screaming, or loud noises but nothing......... It took me a moment to realize that there was no traffic passing through. Apparently it was bad enough that the police had blocked off traffic in both directions. Eventually I could make out a person being loaded up into the ambulance and then the ambulance drove about 50 yards down the road (no siren... all was still quiet) to the intersection where our street is and stopped..... they sat there for about 10 minutes. I thought this was very odd. Had the person died? What was going on? Suddenly I heard a helicopter. Life flight!!! This must be really bad!!!! The helicopter landed on our little road, loaded up the poor victim, and flew off. You forget how loud helicopters are in person. I think everybody on our street had to come outside and check this out. Two of our dogs were outside at the time and I was really surprised at how calm they were, normally any little thing sets them off.
So, it turns out that two brothers were out for a ride trying out some massive motorcycle. One of the brothers was out front on the motorcycle and the other was following behind in a truck. The motorcycle riding brother looked behind him for some reason to see how far away his brother was in the truck and somehow he drifted towards those little plastic noisemakers that they put on the edges of roads with no shoulder to keep you from running off the road. Well, he ran off the road and hit the "dangerous curves ahead" road sign at about 5o mph. He almost completely severed his arm off in the process. Ughh! Poor man!!! I hope every thing turns out alright. By the time the sheriffs cleared the road block there was a good 15 minute steady stream of traffic going behind our house. It all just reminds you how quickly bad things can happen and how lives can be forever changed in the blink of an eye.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Happy Birthday!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009
Shiny, Happy People!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Does 3 constitute a herd???? Meet the newest addition to the gang of chihuahua trolls that claim me as their human caretaker. Piper and Blue are still not sure what to think of her but they are slowly getting used to the idea of her presence.
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009
I love this quote, and it is just as strong and true today as it was when it was written in the mid-1800's. I never understand when people who claim to be enlightened and well versed in today's news and current events say that they never liked history in school. You can learn so much about today and the future by studying the past. Life is always just same story different verse my friends......
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Lobster Face!!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Waffle Maker!!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Please keep it to yourself....
Monday, May 18, 2009
Eight Walgreen's later.......

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
It is just like 1976 all over again!!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Just say no = total bitch
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Sometimes you can't win....
Friday, April 17, 2009
Miss Independent

Time to start buying some land. It looks like we might have a full house. People are already moving here by the boatload. The increase in out of state plates on the the roads here is not going unnoticed. It is kind of like in the 70's when all the people from up north were moving here. I can't tell you how many new students we have had transferring here that are from Michigan, Ohio, and California (the increase in our overall enrollment numbers is something like 45%!!!!) I actually like Rick Perry aka "Governor Zoolander" (except for his crazy road idea which is hopefully DOA.... you don't mess with Texan's property, his mandatory vaccine idea (dumb ass!), and a few of his other views which I won't get into here.) For those of you who think he is not doing a good job though, .....leave....... the grass is definitely not greener on the other side. Adios mofo!!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Attention book nerds

As usual, I am late for the party. I just discovered weRead. A super fantastic place to store the titles of the books you have read. You can also find new titles/authors, write reviews and rate books, and discuss books you have read with others. I love this site!!!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Just like Black Friday

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Random weirdness
Friday, March 27, 2009
And I thought I was flexible!!!!!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Damn... I'm good!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Some things you just don't question....
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
If this is the most important thing...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Secret addiction

Friday, February 13, 2009
If I were getting married tomorrow.......
Thursday, February 12, 2009
97 cents
Saturday, January 31, 2009
FEDEX is not my friend!!!
Update----- Around noon....... a man in an unmarked white van drove up to my gate, left the package on the ground, and drove off in a cloud of dust. Very odd.... but at least I got my package. I guess it pays to always be polite on the phone even when you are pissed off.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Type A?????
The Type A Personality Test: Results
Type A behavior pattern has been linked to a number of health problems. Although the literature is somewhat inconsistent because of problems with the conceptualization and definition of Type A behavior, studies have shown that Type A people run higher risks of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and other stress-related evils such as frequent colds, anxiety disorders, burnout, and depression. The risks seem to be reduced with intervention aimed at reducing Type A behavior. Indeed, those with pronounced Type A characteristics would be happier and healthier if they were to file down the jagged edges of their personality. By learning how to control the negative behavior patterns while preserving their drive, Type A people can be successful without sacrificing their emotional and physical well-being.
Your score = 64
Type A Score 64
What does your score mean?
You seem to have a Type B personality. Your personality draws characteristics from each of the other personality types, that is, Type A and Type C. Either you adjust your behavior depending on the situation, or you tend to be moderated in your attitudes. In any case, you are the most balanced of the three personality types.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I was a fairly late convert to the Ugg craze. I thought they were hideous when I first saw them years ago. Who would wear such ugly shoes? They were right up there with Birkenstocks in my book. I finally caved about 4 years ago when I needed a new pair of slippers to wear around the house . I looked at a lot of different styles and fell in love with the Ugg Coquette. No, they are not cheap, but they are total heaven and if you take care of them they will last you for several years.
So, after wearing my slippers around the house (and occasionally out in public.....don't tell anyone!!!).... I thought that maybe I should look into getting a pair of Uggs to wear with jeans. I finally decided on a pair of Ugg minis since they were shorter and cuter than the classic Uggs. I was in love with them from the moment that I first put them on. Who cares if they look like some kind of shapeless space boot? They are so comfy and soft and they keep your feet nice and toasty. Now, I do draw the line on wearing them in the summer. Here in Texas it is just to hot and it would just look a little too weird.... but from September to about mid- April.... it is total Ugg time.
Last weekend I decided to clean out my shoe closet. When I got to my Uggs, I started to think that maybe it was time to get a new pair. They were starting to get a little stinky and ratty looking from the past two seasons of use and since I am a total rebel who refuses to purchase the cleaning products that shoe salesman always try to foist upon you.... the Uggs were just a little shabby looking. So, I sadly put them in the trash and went online to look into getting another pair.
Well, ladies and gentleman.... it appears that despite the best efforts of fashion magazines and style gurus telling us that Uggs are out... Uggs are still going strong and have actually gone up in price since I last bought a pair. The cheapest replacement pair I could find was about 20 dollars more than I paid for my last pair. Crap! So, I kept on googling and googling until I find an ongoing discussion about Ugg maintenance on a handbag worshippers board. Apparently you can "WASH" your Uggs !!!!! Who knew?????????
According to people who claim to have washed their Uggs and had them survive.... they come out clean and fresh and looking almost like new. I figured that since my Uggs were currently sitting in a trash bag... what would the harm be if I gave it a try. So I fished my Uggs out of the trash (one of them was now full of some old dry dog food that I had dumped in there :-O) and headed to the washing machine (you need to use a front loading machine.... according to those in the know, the regular top loading machines beat the crap out of them.)
I used a small amount of Woolite and a teensy amount of fabric softener. I knew I was running a bit of a risk with the fabric softener spotting the suede but I was willing to trade a little bit of "April freshness" for a few spots. I washed them on the delicate cycle and added an extra rinse cycle just in case there was any residue. I also added an old towel to the wash to kind of cushion the Uggs and keep them from getting so beat up. Make sure it is an old towel since some of the dye in the leather will come off and stain the towel in the process.
After they were finished washing, I threw the Uggs in the dryer on low/medium heat and sent them through one drying cycle ( about 45 minutes or so.) When I took them out of the dryer, they were still pretty wet on the outside and just slightly damp on the fleecy part. I took some wadded up paper towels and stuffed them inside of the Uggs and let them sit for about a day and a half to dry.
All in all they turned out looking pretty damn good considering that I had been about ready to throw them out. When I first put them on they were a little snug but they loosened up rather quickly. The fleecy part is soft and fluffy again... kind of like they were when they were new. The outside was not quite as soft as it had been originally but it still looked fine. I have noticed that the longer I wear them, the softer they get. They also smell much better too!
So.... if your Uggs are looking pretty ratty, try washing them. I can't guarantee that they will turn out as well as mine did but it is always worth a shot.