has got to be hanging wallpaper. I am serious. How can little sheets of gluey, sticky paper make you want to scream, pull your hair out, and have a complete adult temper tantrum? I am not generally a fan of wallpaper but it is making somewhat of a comeback and I do like to see it in dining rooms and powder rooms. Thibaut makes some beautiful designs that I love, love, love! The half bath off the kitchen has been of need of a major overhaul for several years so about 6 months ago, we tore the bathroom down to bare walls and decided to give it a redo. The fact that it took six months to get started should tell you how much the thought of hanging the wallpaper was putting me off. On Sunday, I decided that enough was enough and that I was tired of going all the way upstairs each time to use the restroom. It was time to wallpaper!!!! Now, the room is pretty small, maybe 8x5 and there is one small window and one door......should not be too hard right? Wrong!!!!!!!!! The damn walls (like most everything in the house) are crooked!!!!Arghhhhhhhhh! On the first day we managed to get about halfway done. Four sections of wallpaper = 4 hours of work. Damn! I am slow!!!! Since we are putting bead board on the lower half of the walls, a lot of sins will be covered up. I can't tell you how many times the words "Don't worry, the bead board will cover it!" were muttered that day. I had wallpaper paste on my hair, my clothes, the kitchen floor, the door handle, and somehow it got on the oven. By the end of the second day I had had enough. I did not know whether I wanted to cry in relief that I was finished or throw a party to celebrate. Hallelujah, it is done!!!!! There were only two major boo-boos that were hopeless and I will just have to live with it. Both are in the window sill and I am hoping that the window treatment covers it enough so that I will not have to look at on a daily basis and thus be reminded that it is not perfect. I will say that I will never make rude comments (to myself or out loud ) regarding other people's wall paper work. As long as it is stuck to the wall and looks semi-presentable, it is OK in my book!
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