Thursday, July 30, 2009

Another childhood favorite down the drain.

As a kid, there were some foods that I thought were just the greatest thing on earth, couldn't get enough of them. Yet somehow as an adult, they suck. Spaghettios are one of them. No meatballs or fun shapes, just the original O's please!!! I could have probably eaten them every day as a kid. Yum-O!!!!! Underwood's Chicken Spread was another. I used to take sandwiches with the spread on school field trips in my brown bag lunch. Snow Balls, those neon pink coconut covered chocolate cream filled balls were also a staple in the field trip lunch. Remember Munchos? We used to eat these in junior high non-stop. What were they? Regurgitated potato flakes with lots of salt? Yet none of this stuff tastes the same today, I guess it is all just a taste you out grow. The other day I got it into my head that I wanted a strawberry cake like I used to get for my birthday every year. I never did want a bakery cake when I was growing up (Jeez! what was wrong with me?!?!) I wanted a cheap box cake with strawberry frosting to top it off. I thought it was divine!! So, I see the cake mix on the shelf and decide to take a walk down memory lane. I whip up the cake and take a bite and surprise, surprise....... how did I ever think this stuff was delicious???? Gag!!!!! The "artificiallness" (spellcheck tells me this is not a word but I am going to stand by it anyway) of the pink cake and frosting was more than I could take. Yuck! Sigh........ Oh well, I still have the memories.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dear Cara, Mady, Alexis, Hannah, Leah, Aadan, Collin, and Joel,

I am sorry to inform you of this at such a young age.... but your father is a douche bag. Hopefully you will overcome all the crap that your family is putting you through and won't need years of therapy.

PS- I will no longer be able to watch your show. It is a pitiful train wreck that should not be supported by the media.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Remember the episode of the Newlyweds where Nick is eating a sandwich and just as he goes to put it in his mouth, Jessica yells at him to stop because there is green mold on it? He then says that he had just eaten another sandwich right before she stopped him. Remember the look of horror on his face at the thought of having eaten moldy bread? Well, that was me at lunch today. I had gotten up early and made a beautiful sandwich for lunch and I swear to you there was no mold on that bread!!!! It was a brand new loaf too which really pisses me off. The humidity here zaps everything. Luckily I noticed it before I put it in my mouth because I probably would have thrown up if I had taken a bite of the mold. I am starving now!!!!! I really wanted that sandwich. :(

Friday, July 17, 2009

Kicking Martha to the curb......

Just kidding!!!!! I still love Martha, but I have found a new infatuation.... Carolyne Roehm. How did she fly by my radar? I mean, certainly I have heard of her as a designer, but I had no idea she had such beautiful, beautiful books!

This one is my favorite! It is all about beautiful presentation and design ideas for gifts and presents. I have a bit of a ribbon and paper obsession so this book is right up my alley.

This book is beautiful too! How can you not want your home to look like the pages that are in this book! So pretty!!!

And finally, one of her newest creations. Blue and white together is one of my favorites. I have painted my entire bedroom a beautiful blue similar to the color of this chair in the last three houses I have lived in. I never get sick of it. If you ever want a good nights sleep, paint your room a deep shade........ it is very relaxing.

These books are not cheap but I have really enjoyed looking at them. I think I will have to keep checking on eBay and maybe I can find a few at a bargain price. Sigh......

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hey Puffy!

Being from San Antonio, I love puffy tacos. If you have never had one, then you do not know what you are missing!!! I can't even imagine what the calorie and fat count in one of these things is but if you only have one (or two or three!) a couple of times a year, you will probably be OK. The shells are best served super hot, right out of the oil. Throw on some seasoned meat (I like the regular ground beef), some lettuce, cheese, and tomatoes and... ahhhhhh total bliss!!!! There is even a web site devoted to puffy tacos. I must get to San Antonio soon!!! If you happen to be in the area, try Henry's Puffy Tacos. They have wonderful food and make the best margaritas. Try the blue Curacao or the swirl margarita. Yum! Yum!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The most frustrating thing in the world....

has got to be hanging wallpaper. I am serious. How can little sheets of gluey, sticky paper make you want to scream, pull your hair out, and have a complete adult temper tantrum? I am not generally a fan of wallpaper but it is making somewhat of a comeback and I do like to see it in dining rooms and powder rooms. Thibaut makes some beautiful designs that I love, love, love! The half bath off the kitchen has been of need of a major overhaul for several years so about 6 months ago, we tore the bathroom down to bare walls and decided to give it a redo. The fact that it took six months to get started should tell you how much the thought of hanging the wallpaper was putting me off. On Sunday, I decided that enough was enough and that I was tired of going all the way upstairs each time to use the restroom. It was time to wallpaper!!!! Now, the room is pretty small, maybe 8x5 and there is one small window and one door......should not be too hard right? Wrong!!!!!!!!! The damn walls (like most everything in the house) are crooked!!!!Arghhhhhhhhh! On the first day we managed to get about halfway done. Four sections of wallpaper = 4 hours of work. Damn! I am slow!!!! Since we are putting bead board on the lower half of the walls, a lot of sins will be covered up. I can't tell you how many times the words "Don't worry, the bead board will cover it!" were muttered that day. I had wallpaper paste on my hair, my clothes, the kitchen floor, the door handle, and somehow it got on the oven. By the end of the second day I had had enough. I did not know whether I wanted to cry in relief that I was finished or throw a party to celebrate. Hallelujah, it is done!!!!! There were only two major boo-boos that were hopeless and I will just have to live with it. Both are in the window sill and I am hoping that the window treatment covers it enough so that I will not have to look at on a daily basis and thus be reminded that it is not perfect. I will say that I will never make rude comments (to myself or out loud ) regarding other people's wall paper work. As long as it is stuck to the wall and looks semi-presentable, it is OK in my book!

Friday, July 10, 2009

One last thing.....

and then enough is enough. It is past time to let Michael rest in peace (please, for the love of God!!!!) but even I can't resist sharing this. The sound effect buttons at the bottom of the screen are hilarious!!! Brilliant!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Too much excitement around here

I head outside to the pool around 7:15 last night and the first thing I saw was flashing lights on the street behind my house.... lots and lots of flashing lights. Now maybe in some neighborhoods this is a normal occurrence, but out in the boonies where I live..... flashing lights indicate a thankfully "rare" calamity has occurred. Since waltzing up to the scene of an accident in a bikini that may or may not be just a little too revealing in the top half did not seem like a good idea, I went ahead and got in the pool and observed the situation from in the water to try to figure out what was going on. There were at least 3 ambulances, 4-5 sheriff/police cars, and a couple of big trucks pulled over on the side of the road. I could see them working on someone on the ground but I could not really get a clear view as to what or who or how many were involved in the accident.
The weird part was how quiet it was...all you could hear was birds and cicadas. You would think you would hear yelling, screaming, or loud noises but nothing......... It took me a moment to realize that there was no traffic passing through. Apparently it was bad enough that the police had blocked off traffic in both directions. Eventually I could make out a person being loaded up into the ambulance and then the ambulance drove about 50 yards down the road (no siren... all was still quiet) to the intersection where our street is and stopped..... they sat there for about 10 minutes. I thought this was very odd. Had the person died? What was going on? Suddenly I heard a helicopter. Life flight!!! This must be really bad!!!! The helicopter landed on our little road, loaded up the poor victim, and flew off. You forget how loud helicopters are in person. I think everybody on our street had to come outside and check this out. Two of our dogs were outside at the time and I was really surprised at how calm they were, normally any little thing sets them off.
So, it turns out that two brothers were out for a ride trying out some massive motorcycle. One of the brothers was out front on the motorcycle and the other was following behind in a truck. The motorcycle riding brother looked behind him for some reason to see how far away his brother was in the truck and somehow he drifted towards those little plastic noisemakers that they put on the edges of roads with no shoulder to keep you from running off the road. Well, he ran off the road and hit the "dangerous curves ahead" road sign at about 5o mph. He almost completely severed his arm off in the process. Ughh! Poor man!!! I hope every thing turns out alright. By the time the sheriffs cleared the road block there was a good 15 minute steady stream of traffic going behind our house. It all just reminds you how quickly bad things can happen and how lives can be forever changed in the blink of an eye.