Friday, May 30, 2008

Words that should not have come out of my mouth...

in the last 24 hours------

  • "Maybe I should cut some bangs." This one actually required an intervention from some friends who talked me out of it... thank God!!!
  • "I think I will have just one more frozen blue margarita" Bad idea!!!
  • "We can just walk to the is not that far." It was farther then I thought and I was not wearing the appropriate shoes for trekking half way across the world.
  • "How hot can that jalapeno be?" I think I ruined my tongue.
  • "You look like Jamie Lynn Spears in that photo." Apparently my sister did not think this comparison was funny.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

“I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move.” Robert Louis Stevenson

One of my neighbors makes his living making hand carved stringed instruments. Apparently he is very good at it, or at least it appears this way based on the glowing reviews I have found on him when I Google his name. He travels around the country for half of the year going to festivals and conferences to promote his product and drum up sales. Whenever he is actually "home", he always seems to have visitors staying with him ...usually in RVs parked out in his driveway. There had been a "guest" staying at his house for the last week and as I was taking my dog out for a walk yesterday, my neighbor called me over and introduced me to his newest visitor. He told me his name was Tom and that he was my neighbor's roommate in college. He is originally from Malibu but he sold his house there three years ago and now he lives full time in his totally tricked out Airstream trailer. He just travels around the country visiting places that interest him and moving on whenever the urge hits him.

Tom is a fascinating man and a great storyteller. I place his age somewhere between mid 50's to early 60's even though he acts and looks a lot younger. He made a lot of money in the 90's (dot com money I suspect due to some of his comments) and he invested well so he is pretty much able to live as he pleases. He asked me if I would like a tour of his Airstream which at the time sounded like some kind of bad pick-up line but I said yes and I became quickly enamored with his trailer. He has everything that he needs in one little compact area. He told me that it had taken him almost 4 months to gut the trailer and replace everything with all the upgrades that he wanted. He had granite counter tops, top of the line appliances (he told me he loves to cook), a fantastic home or should I say "travel trailer" theater system with amazing sound and a big plasma TV. His bathroom and bedroom were actually pretty roomy and he even had a washer and dryer combo. Now I have been in a lot of RVs in my life since my family owned quite a few during the years that we were doing a lot of traveling for horse shows..... but this set-up was the best I had ever seen. It may not have been the biggest, but it was definitely one of the highest quality.... I was impressed with all the work and thought that he had put into designing it to suit his needs.

I stayed and chatted with him for about and hour.....he was a big flirt and I enjoyed flirting back with him and listening to stories of his travels. Apparently he is on the road for most of the year .....he takes some time off to spend the holidays with his daughter in Maine and then he tries to go someplace out of the country for a bit...his last trip had been to Costa Rica. Fascinating!! I think I detected a hint of loneliness in his voice though. He lost his wife three years ago and I was beginning to think he might possibly need to find a new one (and no I was not volunteering!) Even though it seemed like he has a lot of friends all over the country to visit must be hard not to have somebody to share your experiences with or just someone to talk to.
After I had said my goodbyes and wished him luck in his travels, I walked back home and started to think about the kind of lifestyle this guy was living. I do envy him the ability to travel and go wherever and whenever he pleases and all the fascinating people and places he must meet... but sometimes you just want to be home.... I mean really your own your own bed...on solid ground with your own trees, plants and flowers surrounding you. I wish him luck and maybe he will come back through Texas sometime...he seems like a great guy!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

I am so looking forward to this long weekend.....

For some strange reason, I am really looking forward to this three day weekend. I have lots of things planned and hopefully everything will fall into place and I will have a fantastic, relaxing good time. I will update on Tuesday when I get back with all the specifics and hopefully some good stories about all the fun that I had.
I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday weekend and is able to take time out to celebrate life with their friends and family and give thanks to all of those who have sacrificed their lives to give us the freedoms that we enjoy and unfortunately sometimes take for granted.

I know this video has nothing whatsoever to do with Memorial Day but I think it is so cute. Love it!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

If only......

This would be a dream to have. I really love a lot of Andy Warhol's work. What a strange and wonderfully fascinating life he had.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Heat wave!!!

It has been so hot here. Crazy hot.... we are talking 99 degrees yesterday and 96 degrees today. I like warm weather and everything but this is ridiculous. It has been so warm here that I have lost three koi in the last two days. One of them was over 20 inches long..... I had had it since it was about two inches in length...very sad. The heat has just come on so fast that there is just not enough oxygen in the pond. I am trying partial water changes on a daily basis to see if this will help. I have three water features but even that is not enough to keep them alive in this heat. RIP little fish.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Need a good dessert for a dinner party? This is one of my favorites. Total deliciousness!! Don't even worry about the calories, if it is a special occasion....just enjoy...and hit the treadmill hard the next day.

Grilled Banana Splits (serves 4)

4 ripe bananas
8 tsp butter-cut into small pieces
4 TB Brandy
3 cups vanilla ice cream
chocolate sauce
toasted pecans
whipped cream
fresh strawberries
chocolate curls (see video below if you don't know how to make these)

Heat grill to low. Make an incision in the banana through the peel, leaving 1 inch uncut on both ends. Spread open the cut and place 2 tsp of the butter pieces, 1 TB of brown sugar, and 1 TB of the brandy inside.Wrap very loosely in foil and grill about 8-10 minutes until the mixture has melted and bananas are heated through. Transfer the bananas into individual serving dishes, carefully flipping the bananas over and pouring the sauce into the bottom of the dish. Peel of skins and top bananas with ice cream, warm chocolate sauce, whipped cream, toasted pecans, and chocolate curls. garnish with strawberries. Enjoy!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Living in the clouds...... no more 365 I quit!!! :)

^^^^I would love this in my backyard!!^^^^^
Our neighbors tore down their kid's tree house yesterday. It was nothing spectacular... just a few boards nailed to a tree, with a rickety roof, and some questionable stairs. Those kids were lucky..... I never had a tree house as a child, but I would have loved one.
My cousin stayed in a tree house hotel in Costa Rica when she went on her honeymoon. She apparently had a fantastic time there because she plans on going back next year. Judging by the pictures that she took while she was there... the tree house she stayed in was pretty high up in the air... we are talking "nose bleed" high up in the air. It looked like fun though, although it might have been a little bit scary in a big storm.
Tree house hotels. The one near Mount Rainier is supposed to be excellent .... Oprah says so!!! :) I can imagine the views must be pretty spectacular.
Well, I made it to day 22 on the 365 thing. I am generally not a quitter at anything... but this is getting too hard to keep up with. I will go back to posting just a couple of times a week.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Double Vision 21/365

When I opened the mailbox today, I was delighted to find no bills (yea!) but in its place was a stack of magazines. I started pulling them out one by one only to discover that I had somehow ended up with two of the same one. Now, our mail lady is not exactly the most dependable person. Sometimes she does not show up until 9 o'clock at night (what the heck has she been doing? Hitting the bars with our mail in the back of her jeep?) and occasionally she just does not show up period. Ah... small town post offices....gotta love them.

After careful examination...I discovered that both issues were addressed to me...and both had the same account number. Big screw up at INSTYLE I guess. Not surprised though. I am at the point that I will no longer even question this stuff.... unless it happens again next month.

I have been having the worst craving all day for one of these salads. I love them!!! I don't know if it is the tangy dressing or the crunchy noodles that I am addicted to but I NEED ONE NOW!!!! Unfortunately the closest place that sells them is the Super Target in Katy which is a good 25 minutes away. I am trying to decide just how much I really want one. Am I crazy enough to drive all the way over there for a bag of salad? Probably...........

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Drive time 20/365

I usually listen to the radio in the car on the way to full blast....singing the words to the songs that I know and making them up when I don't. Lately, I have been giving the books on tape thing a try. I figure I spend about 45 minutes driving back and forth to work each day so hey....... great time to listen to a book.

The one I am listening to right now is "Farewell My Subaru" by Doug Fine. This guy should be a comedian... he is that funny. The story is basically about a year in his life when he decided to move out into the middle of "nowhere" New Mexico and his attempts at going green. What I like about this book is that at no point is he preachy nor does he take on a "I am better than you" type of attitude like so many "greenies" do. This guy has a lot of screw-ups in his attempt at a greener life and he is not afraid to tell it like it is. Love this guy!!! Check it out here

In reference to "wasted resources" and greener living.....

I order a lot of my makeup from Neiman Marcus for several reasons.............
1. They usually have free shipping offers once a month (I don't have to waste my time or gas to stock up on what I need.)
2. They often have really good bonus offers like gift with purchase deals and such.
3. Hey..its Neimans people!!! Seriously though... cosmetics prices never change from place to place so why not take advantage of this company's generosity of free shipping and samples?

Anyway, I ordered some "supplies" from them a couple of days when I got a package from them in the mail yesterday, I was expecting the stuff I ordered from them to be in the box. Well, it wasn't. What was in this big ass box was a free sample.... the items that I actually ordered were shipped separately and will be here Thursday. I can't believe they shipped a little sample by itself, priority mail, and in a big box! And they wonder where all their profits are going........ what a waste!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ice, Ice Baby.....19/365

I'd give it a whirl. Anybody want to go? Looks like fun to me...or at least until I froze my ass off. How cool is the bar? Love those ice glasses!!!

Go Spurs!!! Game starts at 8:30 tonight!!!! Crossing my fingers for this one!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Pretty damn good day......18/365

for a Monday.....

Thank you to the girl at Starbucks for the free chocolate sample and the size did not have to do that but it was much appreciated.

Thank you to the truck driver who let me into the line of traffic after I filled up my car at the gas station. I could have been sitting there forever otherwise.

Thank you to whomever it was that left me the space right by the door at work...that never happens.

Thank you to all the students that actually showed up on time for their appointments...I left at a decent hour for once!!!

Thanks to the guy at Lowes who appeared out of nowhere to help me load those rocks..... I am sorry that I refused your offer (you asked me 4 times, I should have taken the hint) to help me push them to the register...they were heavy

Thanks to the guy in the Lowes parking lot (you were wearing a dress shirt with a tie, so I can't believe you did this dressed like that) who helped me load all those rocks into my car. I really did not expect you to help me but I really appreciated it.

Thanks to the our waiter at dinner for the free I on a roll or what??

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Long drive...... 17/365

Yes, I went to the horse show... at 5:30 in the the rain. I actually had to get up at 4:30 and unfortunately I was up late the night before (oh, until about 2am :O) so basically all I had was a nap before I got in the car and drove to San Antonio. The wind was so bad that I did not make it until exactly 8am on the nose and I sat down right as she was going in the ring. I did take some video which I have no idea how to download so it might take me a couple of days to get it posted. Pooh did pretty well. She is still such a baby that you can tell that she does not know where is body is at any given moment.

I am really tired so I think that I will just go get BIG drink and maybe read a little bit (or not) and just relax. I am too tired to think right now......

Saturday, May 10, 2008

"The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day" Longfellow 16/365

Now don't get me wrong, there is a lot that I love about living in the city...... but after being back here at the farm, I realize how much I have missed some of the little things that the city does not offer. The great thing about this place is that it is actually only about 19 minutes away from the Houston city limits and about 5 minutes away from I-10... but it seems like you are out in the middle of nowhere (but in a good way!) The first thing out of every one's mouth that comes to visit is "I had no idea this area existed. How did you find it?" It was just total luck that my parents stumbled upon this place. Unfortunately, every motorcyclist and bicycler in the Houston area appears to know about it because it is the number one spot for weekend rides which can make for a frustrating drive into town if you are in a hurry and stuck behind what seems like 100's of cyclists.

Some of the things that I have discovered that I have missed about this place are:
  • The silence (except for the kids across the street with their super loud exhaust pipes on their trucks...the one kid got his off of a cement truck. They are huge!!!!)
  • The way it gets so dark at night.
  • Seeing owls flying around in the moonlight.
  • The stars, the moon, and the smell of fresh air. If you have never thrown a blanket into the bed of a pickup truck and just looked up into the night sky then you are missing out.
  • The way people you don't even know, wave at you when you drive by.
  • The sound of birds, frogs, and cicadas.
  • Being able to walk around outside in whatever you want (pajamas!!) and nobody cares.... because they can't see you (well, for the most part anyways. I know for a fact that several of my neighbors have binoculars and use them on a regular basis to see what is going on.)
  • Seeing my little dogs run around in wide open spaces without having to worry about them. I also love just being able to open the door and they can go outside on their own. Austin has some great dog parks but it is still a hassle to take them on every little outing.

Things I have not missed include:

  • The mosquitoes
  • Spiders and other annoying bugs. There is a serious spider problem here that no pesticide in the world can fix. We are talking huge, scary, in your face spiders. When my parents first moved in, I was surprised at all the spider webs in the eaves and in between the windows. I quickly learned that no matter what you sprayed or how often you clean... the come back with a vengeance just a couple days later.
  • The tendency for the front yard to be under water after a heavy rain. This is the price you pay for the beauty of the humongous 100 year old pecan trees in the yard. They grow here because this area had to have been under water at some point.
  • You can't just make a "quick trip" anywhere. Anything is going to take you at least 20 minutes.
  • Neighbors who seem to know all of your they know everything about what is going on in your life I will never know.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Random Friday thoughts........15/365

My scratch pad is full, time for a new page

This has been a long week. I am really glad that it is Friday. I have a super long to-do list though so I don't know exactly how much rest and relaxation I will be getting. I do know that I am going to go swimming. The temperature outside was 91 degrees when I got home. I felt the water in the pool and even it felt like lukewarm bathwater but I am going in no matter what!

I am 99% sure that I am not going to the horse show to watch Sara and Pooh. Every time I hear from her, the plans have changed. They had double the entries then what they expected so they have changed the scheduling and it looks like she has the first and last classes. I will just have to be there in spirit. I was going to take some video of her rounds but that will have to wait for another day.

Hopefully we are still going to have the cookout on Saturday night. The burn pile has been building up for weeks so we should be able to get a good fire going for roasting marshmallows and making smores. Of course with this heatwave, a bonfire does not sound like the best idea but oh well...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mid-year high....14/365

Since my New Years resolutions went over so well (ha!), I have decided to start fresh with some new resolutions for the remainder of the year. I did keep one resolution from January... the one about shutting the medicine cabinet door and not leaving it wide open. You are probably asking "what kind of weirdo has a stupid resolution like that?" Well.... I did and I have been cured of the bad habit..... well, 99.7% cured anyways. So onto some new ones that I will attempt to achieve......

  1. Get rid of the Queen Mary (the name of my truck) and replace it with something more fuel efficient.
  2. Take some good road trips/vacations. I would love to go to New Orleans. I have not been there in a long time and I would like to see how things are doing since Katrina. I would love to hit some of the plantation tours and there is a haunted swamp ride that is supposed to be fantastic. I would also like to maybe do a weekend at a B&B in Fredericksburg. I used to go there a lot when I lived in San Antonio and I always had a good time. For a longer trip (maybe for Christmas?) I would like to do a "beach" thing or maybe even Mexico. Something not too far...just need to get away from here for awhile.
  3. Get stuff in order around here so that I can move back to Austin. I really need to get some of these projects done that I promised that I would help out with around the farm.
  4. Relax and be happy. Not that this is a hard thing to do, but I need to just take some time out for myself.

I don't listen to country music much on the radio but I have been known to hit a few of the country bars for a little fun. ;) I have always liked this song and lately I have been hearing it a lot. Each time I listen to it, I fall in love with the lyrics a little bit more. Yeah.. I know it is probably been the official graduation song for the entire country for the last two years... but I still love it!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Lassie, go get help!!!! 13/365

I have always had this claustrophobic thing about having stuff on me for too long. Clothes, jewelry, name it. I was always the little kid taking off her clothes and running around in her underwear.
Take pajamas for instance...... I will wear them around the house and stuff, but before I go to bed... they have to come off. I don't want anything on my legs while I am sleeping. Tank tops and boy shorts are about all I can stand. My mom used to make me wear those horrible plastic footed pajamas as a little kid so perhaps this is where this whole issue comes from.
I have been wearing this bracelet for a couple of days now, and suddenly this afternoon, I wanted it off.... like right this minute I want it off or I am going to freak out type of thing. Well, the easy solution is to just take the dang thing off and be on my merry way. BUT..... the problem is that it is on my left wrist and the clasp is facing in such a way that I cannot get it off. I am going crazy!!!!! There is nobody around to help me and I want this thing off NOW!!! I swear to you that I am going down the street to the neighbors if I can't get this thing off soon.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Clean house 12/365

I made the "super dumb" decision to clean the fish tank when I got home from work today. I had been putting it off and ignoring the whole ugly mess for about 6 months now.
Every time I would come to the farm, I would look at the poor fish and declare that "I solemnly do swear and promise that I will clean it the next time I am here." It never happened. I think I went through about $100 in filters due to my laziness but hey.....they are still alive and that is all that matters.
So.... after being here for a couple of weeks now and staring at the whole mess day after day.... I cleaned it. It nearly killed me and it took 4 (yes 4!!!!!) hours from start to finish. Now I feel all gross and fishy. At least the fish seem happy. Now I know why my sister was laughing when I told her I would gladly take the fish tank that she did not want anymore. Arghhhhh!
If you like old houses, buildings, and general Americana....... check out this book that a friend gave me. Love it! Vanishing America

Monday, May 5, 2008

Five Keys 11/365

I have been having the same recurring dream for several months now and it is driving me crazy! I believe that dreams are an outlet for underlying issues and conflicts that you are dealing with and I am trying to figure out what this dream means .... but I am not having much luck.
The dream always starts out with me walking down the main street of a picturesque small town that I have never seen before. Somewhere down the street, I run into this man that I seem to know but I don't have any idea who he is. It is always the same man. He has dark hair, he is tall, and in one dream he was wearing glasses. He has this little box with five keys in it and he opens the box and ties one of the keys onto my wrist with a purple ribbon. I ask him for the other keys and he says he can't give them to me right now and then he grabs my arm and starts ushering me down the street and tells me we need to hurry.
I keep getting sidetracked by things that I see in the shops along the main street and he keeps tugging on my hand and kissing me and telling me that we are going to be late and that I need to hurry. I walk down the street with him a little longer but, again, my attention is distracted by something else on the street. In one dream, I walk into a bank and offer to fix their computer that is not working, in another dream, I wander into a building and start helping a plumber fix a sink. The dreams all seem to have me offering to help people fix stuff that in real life I would have no idea how to fix. Each time, the man keeps grabbing at me and pulling me away from whatever I am trying to fix so that we can get to where we are going. He keeps kissing me and promising more keys if I will hurry up. Weird huh? Any dream experts here that can tell me the underlying meanings?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Is the weekend really almost over? Oh, crap!!! 10/365

I woke up at 6:00 am this morning people! Why ?????? I had really planned on sleeping in..... really and truly. I was just laying there in bed this morning, debating over whether or not it would actually be possible to go back to sleep or if it would be better to just get up....... when my chin started itching. I reached up to scratch it and..........I felt blood. So of course I now fly out of bed and examine my chin in the mirror. After I cleaned everything up and gave it a close inspection, I found a big scratch on my face going from one side of my chin to the other. WTH?
I know for sure that my face was not like this when I went to bed.... so what the hell happened in the middle of the night? It suddenly starts coming back to me in hazy little bits and pieces. This little devil ran across my face in the middle of the night (again!!!!!!) I also vaguely remember flinging a pillow at her and there were a few bad words involved as well. This incident had better not leave a mark!
I am just not feeling very creative today so I will FINALLY fill out the meme sent by "Jonesiegirl." Sorry this is such a crappy blog entry (yay for filler!!!!). I think I need a nap now.

Favorite color: Pink and blue
Favorite food: Pizza, shrimp, & chocolate cake are a few of my favorites
Favorite month: birthday and I love the summertime
Favorite movie: Moonstruck
Favorite professional sport: Basketball
Favorite ice cream: Either strawberry, peppermint, or any type of chocolate. I like variety!!

Current mood: A little sleepy but otherwise in a good mood.
Current clothes: An old Rolling Stones t-shirt and jeans
Current toenail color: Ballerina Slippers ( a really pale pink)
Current time: Exactly 6:00pm
Current surroundings: On the third floor at my computer
Current thoughts: Am I hungry enough to go do something about dinner or should I wait?

First best friend: Molly Rudd
First kiss: James Parker in the 1st grade.
First screen name: strawberrykiwi (no laughing!!)
First pet: Candy the hamster
First piercing: My ears in about the 3rd was also my last
First crush: Guy Sobleman...4th grade.. after he rescued me after I hurt my knee. My hero!!

Last cigarette: I don't smoke.
Last drink: I had a blue margarita a couple of nights ago.
Last car ride: Today. I had to go get some shorts from Academy.
Last kiss: Romantic kiss?...probably three weeks ago.. but that is HISTORY!!!
Last movie seen: How sad is it that I don't remember....
Last phone call: Roxanne to ask her a question about work
Last CD played: Pussycat Dolls

Have you ever?
Have you ever dated one of your best friends? Most of the guys I have dated have started out as friends, one was a best friend....I miss him :o
Have you ever broken the law? Probably...who hasn't?
Have you ever been arrested? No! I am a good girl ;)
Have you ever skinny dipped? Yes, and I highly recommend it
Have you ever been on TV? Yes, as a child in various little shows in Dallas like "Bowling for Dollars". I had totally forgotten about that until just now!
Have you ever kissed someone you did not know? You mean like walking up to a stranger and kissing them? No.... I am a selective kisser. However........... I did have a kissing "incident" with a certain lead singer of a well known rock/"hair"band . I will keep the suspense holding on this one and save it for another post. I may need this story for another slow day when I am out of ideas.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

It's time to go deep....... 9/365

So, here is my fortune from dinner last night. I always get the crappy ones. Everyone else got ones like: "Your dreams will come true tonight," "Plan for many pleasures ahead," "Good things are being said about your abilities," and "You will soon have a very pleasant experience." I am sure you can quickly figure out what we were all laughing about after we read these out loud..... Could there be a little more sexual innuendo here? Even mine said to "go deep." :)

I get up this morning and go outside..... and I hear a lawnmower going out in front of our house. Nothing unusual here, especially for a Saturday morning, but guess what? Our lawnmower is out of commission. We have been waiting on a part all week so no grass cutting for us if I am really upset by this. :) I go to investigate and it is our neighbor from down the street, cutting the grass in front of our property. I waved at him and he stopped and said that he knew that our lawnmower was broken (he had been over at our house the night before and had seen the mower in 3000 pieces sitting in the garage) so since he was cutting the front of his property, he just went ahead and did ours too. Can you believe that? How many people are that nice to their neighbors. Of course.... there is also the fact that this particular neighbor, along with my dad, are the unofficial lawn police in the neighborhood. They are both neurotic about making sure their lawns are in tip-top shape. I guess he did not want our reputation to go south on us or anything..........

Thursday, May 1, 2008

And I shall call him..... Triple F 7/365

I promised I would make chicken enchiladas for dinner yesterday so I had to stop at the grocery store on the way home to pick up a few ingredients. I am not a fan of going to the grocery store, especially when I am in a hurry. What is up with these people that bring every member of their extended family and then they all stand around blocking the aisles with these deranged looks on their faces like they have never seen food before? These people better get the hell out of my way. I am on a mission and I will run you over. Actually, I am too polite.... I would never actually run anyone over without nicely asking them to move it first.

Before I even made it to the store, I had to stop at the library to pick up some books that I had requested. I made the big mistake of arriving right as pre-school story hour was getting out. There was a very long line at the checkout and of course each kid had 20-30 books and some even had 20-30 books on tape which of course takes forever because the librarians have to carefully examine each tape and write their initials on the little checkout label.

As I am waiting in line, this mother and son come up behind me in line and the little boy, who was maybe 2 or 3, starts swinging on the dividing chain which of course starts whacking everybody standing in line in the legs. His mother gets all bent out of shape and starts yelling "Fielding Farwell Fitzpatrickl! Stop that now" The kids name was Fielding Farwell Fitzpatrick! OMFG!!! I just knew this kid was going to be a pain in the ass.
During the time that Fielding was standing in line, he managed to kick and scratch his mother, lift up some poor woman's skirt, knock the divider over, tear a page in a book, and just be a real pest. The worst part was hearing his mother say his name over and over. "Fielding! Fielding! If you don't straighten up right now , you are not going to get a treat." Oh my God shoot me now!!!

So I finally escape Fielding and make it to the store. I was halfway through my shopping when I hear it in the distance... Fielding!..... Fielding!..... I look up and see the devil child himself running towards me with this big ass frosted doughnut in his hands. Just what the kid needs.... SUGAR!!!! He runs right up to me and grabs me around the legs. His mother marches up to us and snatches him up and throws him in the basket. I look down and there is pink frosting all over my pants. I now hate Fielding Farwell Fitzpatrick. Arghhhhhhhh! His mother does not even apologize, which does not really surprise me. With a mother like that, I would hate to see what precious little Fielding is going to be like in a few years when he starts school. I really do feel sorry for teachers sometimes.

Should I be afraid? No Mas!!! Ha! My little dogs hate clothes and I have never put one of them in my purse! Please!!! Well, maybe I lied.... I am guilty of making them wear Halloween costumes....does that count?