Sunday, May 11, 2008

Long drive...... 17/365

Yes, I went to the horse show... at 5:30 in the the rain. I actually had to get up at 4:30 and unfortunately I was up late the night before (oh, until about 2am :O) so basically all I had was a nap before I got in the car and drove to San Antonio. The wind was so bad that I did not make it until exactly 8am on the nose and I sat down right as she was going in the ring. I did take some video which I have no idea how to download so it might take me a couple of days to get it posted. Pooh did pretty well. She is still such a baby that you can tell that she does not know where is body is at any given moment.

I am really tired so I think that I will just go get BIG drink and maybe read a little bit (or not) and just relax. I am too tired to think right now......

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