Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away (at least for a little while!!)

I know, I know... you should never take rain for granted here in Texas...... but I really need a break. We have had so much rain here in the last few months that the ground is completely saturated and it is not sinking into the dirt/grass. Some of the standing water is even growing green slime. Actually, the bricks on our house and the sidewalks are turning kind of green too! To top it off, it is cold.... 39 degrees or so. It was 72 degrees just 2 or three days ago..... no wonder everybody around here is sick. To change things up I had been walking/jogging around the three acres on the side of the house instead of chugging along on the treadmill and now I am stuck inside because of all the standing water. I am really getting into this outdoor is amazing how fast the time goes by. When I am on the treadmill I feel like I am looking at the clock at least every five minutes or so. Last night I was dreading the treadmill so much that I jogged in place in front of " The Millionaire Matchmaker" which just about killed me. I am really feeling it today and I am d-r-a-g-g-in-g. Why is jogging in place so much harder than doing it outside or on a treadmill? Not much else to say... this rain has me in a funk...... oh, by the way.... it was a damn red wasp that bit me in my bed the other day!!! No wonder it hurt so bad!!!! I took great pleasure in squashing the little sucker when I found it buzzing around my room a couple of days later.

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