Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Seen and Heard...

I am shocked at what I just witnessed at a Walmart here in Houston. Maybe I am the only one who thinks that what I saw was horrible and appalling but I hope not. Waiting in line, I oveheard a grandmother tell her what looked to be about 3?, 4? year old granddaughter that she would look like a "slutty ho" in the pink t-shirt that she wanted her grandmother to buy her. Now, I can honestly say that I could not read what the t-shirt that the little girl was wanting to buy said......for all I know, it may have said "slutty ho" on the shirt.......but being Walmart and all, I kind of doubt it.

What kind of person talks to a small child that way? My grandmother used to freak out whenever I would say "Oh God" around her. I don't think my grandmother ever said a bad word around me when I was a little kid. Even when I was older, the most you may have ever heard her say was "damn", and even that was used sparingly. When I was 4 years old, I did not even know what a "slut" or a "ho" was!!!! We question why kids are growing up the way they are? Is there no such thing as innocence and childhood anymore? I am very sad and disturbed over this and I am not one of those people that is easily offended. Poor child.......

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